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  • Comeback Part 2: Winter

    September 18, 2019 by

    By: Nourhan Ghanem Hi! It’s me again and this time I’m supposed to respond to Habiba’s article.  First of all I’d like to say that it was an honour to be debating with you. You have stated what people like about summer including your self and stated many interesting facts about it, and although I… Read more

  • JOIN US!!

    March 4, 2020 by

    HELLO PEOPLE!! Let me tell you something if you are thinking of joining our community. This will be hard work and will need lots of energy and time from you. You must understand that you will have to work and sustain your grades while doing this, we don’t want you failing!! SOOO, if you’re ready… Read more

  • Types of Toxic People

    October 30, 2019 by

    By: Omar Mostafa We met them , we’ve dealt with them , and now we are going to expose them !! Here are the 5 types of toxic people you will meet in your life : The Narcissist : A master of awesome first impressions and full of self-confidence , a narcissist is someone who… Read more

  • 5 Types of People you meet in Deros Sanaweya 3ama

    October 28, 2019 by

    By: Nourhan Ghanem Considering this is the last year with the old educational system, and there will no longer be the one year anxiety inducing, mental health destructing and stressful brain stuffing year that is sanawia 3ama, I thought I’d share my experiences ( Ba2ali shahren we 3amla feeha fahma we kedza ). So without… Read more

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    October 27, 2019 by

    By: Malak Negm 2 out of 8 people have the risk of developing cancer. So yes, I guess we all have witnessed at least one person who went through the cancer experience before, that’s why this article might be quite relatable to almost all of us.  It’s October, also breast cancer awareness month, its when… Read more

  • Ibrahim Al-Khouli’s Story

    October 23, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer People with special needs aren’t different from any normal person. They’re special and unique. They have a shortage of one aspect but their abilities outweigh the ordinary in many other aspects. This may be the example of Ibrahim Al-Khouli. Ibrahim Al Khouly is the first teaching assistant with Down-syndrome in Egypt. He… Read more

  • “Social media and online dating have created a lack of connectedness when dating” ~Jonathan Bennett.

    October 11, 2019 by

    By: Malak Negm Is it only me who thinks that Social Media governs partners’ trust? It’s no secret that relationships are forming over apps. We have become a paranoid, over protective, jealous, over thinking generation, determining who our partner is allowed to follow and which photos they’re allowed to like or even which they’re allowed… Read more

  • Books That Matter

    October 10, 2019 by

    By: Jumana Nounou A lot of people have asked me where my political opinions came from. The answer is that they’ve come after long hours of reading and researching. I’ve also witnessed a lot of things that shouldn’t be witnessed. And I’ve worked really hard to find the trustable resources and lastly I’m always up… Read more

  • The Joker : Too dark or too real ?

    October 8, 2019 by

    By : Omar Mostafa This week I went to the joker movie , and as expected it was really too crowded , a lot of people were expecting some suicide squad style movie ; some action , funny scenes and maybe batman showing up , but when the movie started playing , people were too… Read more

  • Money Heist – La Casa De Papel: A Review

    October 7, 2019 by

    Hola! Today’s article is a little bite different and interesting. It’s going to be about “MONEY HEIST” or “LA CASA DE PAPEL”. La casa de papel or money heist is a Spanish series which is created by Álex pina. The series is 3 seasons. La casa de papel is talking about a criminal mastermind who… Read more

  • The Darkest Side of Each Zodiac Sign

    September 27, 2019 by

    The most common reason why people find it difficult to believe in astrology is because they just read a simple description about a Leo or a Capricorn and then they’ll tell you that what they are reading can be applied to everyone, but the truth is that “Astrology” is so much more interesting! And this… Read more

  • Child Abuse

    September 25, 2019 by

    By: Jumana Nounou Last week a video was posted on the internet of a man holding a baby girl that was about a year old and he was slapping her. This guy was abusing that girl. He was forcing her to stand up on herself when she was a baby, she couldn’t do that physically.… Read more

  • Climate Change: What it is and How we are Involved

    September 23, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer Everyone isn’t enjoying the weather lately and many people are asking why it’s so hot out there, even the ones at the north coast are asking why the hell are the waves so high. The answer is summed up in only a few words “climate change”. What is climate change simplified? Climate… Read more

  • How To Be an ‘A’ Student

    September 21, 2019 by

    By: Razan Hassouna We all use the term da7a7a or da7a7 as a joke but secretly want to get perfect grades and overall be a good student. When thinking about getting all A’s we think it’s impossible and only for gifted students when in reality it’s easy. Here are the top five things that are… Read more

  • Comeback Part 1: Summer

    September 18, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer Hey there! It’s me again. I’m here just to say that summer is my favorite season no matter what happens or even if it gets hotter every year. I won or lose, I will still love summer and I will accept all of the sweaty days and the so freaking hot days,… Read more

  • People with Trust Issues Must be Understood

    September 17, 2019 by

    BY: Malak el-mansy Don’t get annoyed when a close person to you keeps saying that they are always afraid of you getting away from them, you don’t know how many people they loved left them in a cruel way. So, they are afraid of getting close to other people. And in the same time they… Read more

  • Debate Part 2: Summer!

    September 15, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer Four seasons of the year and summer is still the best season yet. Summer means: beach, air, waves, joy, hope and happiness. Summer season lasts for four months from June to September. Summer has warm and humid weather, especially in July and August. There are some simple summer benefits you should know… Read more

  • Debate Part 1: Winter!

    September 15, 2019 by

    By: Nourhan Ghanem So summer is almost over and winter is coming and to all of you who are bummed about winter coming boo hoo, screw you. I mean both have cons but how is summer any better. I’m Nourhan Yasser, and today I’ll be convincing you and Habiba why winter is the best, summer… Read more

  • The Planet that Most Resembles the Earth

    September 13, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer I have always wondered is there a planet similar to Earth? Yes, there is. Is it a planet that we don’t know? No, it’s the planet which many people believed that we can live on one day which is planet ‘Mars’. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest… Read more

  • عادي و صح

    September 12, 2019 by

    By: Jumana Nounou Have you ever questioned whatever you’re doing? Is it because it’s a force of habit or because you think you’re doing something right? Are you doing what you’re doing because it’s a rebel against the rules that has been set on you by either your parents or the society? Do you know… Read more

  • Comeback Part 2: Against Feminism

    September 11, 2019 by

    By: Yehia Kamal So I am the one who lost. Ok, l will admit it Malak, but I forgot to stress about how I am not against feminism in general; my issue is concerning the way Egyptian women view men. What needs to be clarified is that feminism is not the hate of men, but… Read more

  • Comeback Part 1: With Feminism

    September 11, 2019 by

    By: Malak Negm Hi! ‘again’ I’m here to criticize and respond to Yehia’s article! So again, what is Feminism ya nas? It’s a range of social movements that share common goals: Establishing the political, economic, personal, and social equality of both sexes and fighting gender stereotypes. And yes these stereotypes include what Yehia has highlighted earlier… Read more

  • Debate Part 2: Against Feminism

    September 8, 2019 by

    Author: Yehia Kamal في البداية كدة بس اوعى تتضايق اني بكتب بالعربي و ملك بالانجليش الفكرة ان واحد جايب في امتحان انجليش ثانوية عامة ٣٠ من ٥٠ لو كتب انجليش ممكن يعديكوا فأنا بعمل كدة عشان المصلحة العامة نبداء بقا انا مش ضد feminism اه ونبي بس كدة عشان رابطة محبي روضة الشربيني و كلبوبات… Read more

  • Debate Part 1: With Feminism

    September 8, 2019 by

    By: Malak Negm Hi, I’m a feminist! I’m here to convince you guys and convince Yehia why feminism is beneficial! And NO, I do not hate all men, and i do not think all men are evil or rapists, but YES i want equality for all genders. It is believed that all feminists hate men,… Read more

  • Struggles you face on your first week back to school 

    September 7, 2019 by

    By: Nourhan Ghanem School is in two weeks and all of us are preparing for the great stress that is to come after our long productive vacation where half of you probably went to sahel and showed off your summer bods and the other half spent their vacation watching the stories while eating their chips… Read more

  • A List of Good Dessert Places and Reviews

    September 7, 2019 by

    By: Razan Hassouna I’m sure after a heavy meal we’ve all craved something light and sweet to really put an end to a good day or just something to aid your sadness. We search for ages yet still don’t know what exactly we’re craving. Here are the top ten dessert shops that definitely deserve your… Read more

  • ثانویة عامة بنكھة مصریة

    September 5, 2019 by

    By: Yehia Kamel بصوا تحذیر كدة بس عشان منضایقش حد كدة بكلامنا ، لو انت من بتوع حروف امل ھي ھي حروف فاساكونیا و ان ھزیمة عزیمةفحضرتك محتاج حاجتین ، أولا ھات القرش الي محیرك ده ، اما ثانیا فأطلع برة انت عایزحد یجمل الحقایق فمعلش مش ھنا یا معلم روح شوف اي حتة تانیة… Read more

  • There is No Honor in Murder

    September 2, 2019 by

    By: Nourhan Ghanem I think we’ve all heard about the Esraa Ghareeb incident labeled as an honor killing, but for those of you who don’t know, Esraa Ghareeb is a 21 year old Palestinian girl, she dreamt about being a makeup artist and had great potential and ambition to do so. The story started when… Read more

  • The True Meaning of Love

    September 1, 2019 by

    By: Malak el-Mansy When you love someone, you don’t love them all the time, in exactly the same way, from moment to moment. It is an impossibility. It is even a lie to pretend to. And yet this is exactly what most of us demand. We have so little faith in the ebb and flow… Read more

  • Super Fun Things to do in Cairo!

    August 31, 2019 by

    By: Malak Negm Have you spent all your eideya money and savings in sahel? For those who didn’t, I bring to you guys this weeks super fun things to do in Cairo! Because, seriously, haven’t we all experienced these frequent conversations? – 3awez ta3mal eh yum el khames? = “sighs”, msh 3aref enta 3awz te3mal… Read more

  • Kashmir: What Is Going On?!

    August 30, 2019 by

    While all of us are probably worrying about Miley and Liam’s divorce, the latest movies out in the cinema, and the next trip to Sahel before school. We forget that some people’s worries are wether they’re gonna survive to see another day or not. Recently, we all turned our profile pictures to blue to help… Read more

  • Body Shaming: Its Effects and How to Deal with It

    August 30, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer All body types are appreciated, no matter what they look like or even how it’s shape looks like, it’s appreciated. Many people shame other people’s bodies, even if they’re thin, fat, or chubby. They just shame people’s body and believe that it will help them lose or gain weight. What those people… Read more

  • A Day in the Life of a Fat Guy/Girl

    August 29, 2019 by

    By: Anonymous Hello! So, today I am going to walk you through my day. A day in the life of a fat guy/girl. There are these things that we go through, that no one understands. Morning: Early Morning: Getting ready for school, thinking of what to eat. “Should I eat healthy to lose some weight,… Read more

  • Expecting Things from Others and Rejection

    August 28, 2019 by

    By: Youssef Tawfik Hello Guys! I am here today to tell you something. Do not expect anything from anyone. If you ever expect anything from anyone then good luck. You’ll get sad, mad and disappointed when what you expected did not happen. People are selfish, everyone is. Even if anyone tells you “No, no I’m… Read more

  • الجيل البايظ – The Broken Generation

    August 28, 2019 by

     By: Jumana Nounou ده جيل مش متربي” “هو ده الجيل ال هيحرر القدس؟” “جيل بايظ و قليل الادب” I think we all once heard those words. All we get is judgements about what we do and what we don’t. If you’re going to judge, the least thing to do is to take a look at… Read more

  • Embracing Yourself: The Guide

    August 27, 2019 by

    By: Omar Sayed You may ask yourself “why am I so alone and unloved ”. But unfortunately you never get persuasive answers to your question so you start looking for solutions like imitating your popular friends and colleagues in everything, seeking popularity and affection in your school, work, club or whatever the place you go… Read more

  • ازكى ما أنجبت مصر

    August 26, 2019 by

    By: Yehia Kamel الاستاذة ریھام سعید من كام یوم كانت حلقة لبرنامجھا ……. ،ثانیة واحدة كدة ھسأل google …… للأسف حتى جوجل مش عارف اسم البرنامج الأصفر ده المھم مش فارقة برنامج ملوش لزمة بس مش الموضوع ، الموضوع ان الاستاذة الإعلامیة القدیرة ریھام سعید اتكلمت عن عن السمنة و خصوصا النساء الي بیعانوا من… Read more

  • The Earth’s Lungs Are On Fire, Literally

    August 22, 2019 by

    By: Razan Hassouna As you’ve probably heard about now, the Amazonian Rainforest caught fire on August 13 and is raging weeks on end. The Amazon is often referred to as the Earth’s lungs due to it releasing 20 % of the oxygen in our planets aerosphere. “Later he [Mr Bolsonaro] appeared to suggest that non-governmental… Read more

  • Do Women have the Same Rights as Men Today?

    August 21, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer “If you educate a man you educate an individual but if you educate a woman you educate a whole nation”- Dr. James Emman. God’s creations never fail to amaze us. Nature, animals and humans. God created Adam and Hawaa, and created all the men and women. There was a journalist called Qasim… Read more

  • Circumstances Help.

    August 21, 2019 by

    By: Malak el-Mansy Anything that annoys you is for teaching you patience. Anyone who abandons you is for teaching you how to stand on your own two feet. Anything that angers you is for teaching you forgiveness and compassion. Anything that has power over you is for teaching you how to take your power back.… Read more

  • Sleeping Tips & How to get Rid of Insomnia 

    August 20, 2019 by

    By: Nourhan Ghanem For all my fellow raccoons out there who are struggling to get a good nights sleep. Here are a few tips to get a good nights sleep and get rid of insomnia. Without further to due, let’s get started.  1- Say no to Caffeine and Stimulants  I’m talking to the caffeine addicts… Read more

  • Habits of Successful People

    August 19, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer All of us are good at a special thing, a job or even at something we love to do, and every successful person has a unique set of habits. Everyone dreams to be successful at what they love to do, so you should have some habits that will make you successful, so… Read more

  • الانسانیة

    August 18, 2019 by

    By: Yehia Kamal   قبل بدایة الحدیث و التعمق فیه وجب علي تعریف الانسانیة ، رغم انھا معروفة للجمیع و لكن ارید التأكید على بعض التفاصیل الانسانيه : ھي فطرتنا التي خلقنا الله علینا ، الانسانیة مرتبطة ارتباط كامل مع التعاطف و الرحمة ، و لكن الانسانیة صفة نسبیة الي حد كبیر في مقدارھا و… Read more

  • Get Your Summer Glow Up Before School Starts

    August 18, 2019 by

    By: Razan Hassouna Days are getting longer and and as summer is coming to an end we all have to admit that whether we sat on the couch all summer eating chips or literally stayed in Sahel all summer most of us need to find a quick way to be the best possible version of… Read more

  • Top 5 Things that can Reduce Stress

    August 17, 2019 by

    By: Youssef Tawfik Hey Guys! All of us get stressed quite quickly these days, and that is way I am bringing you the top 5 things to do to relieve stress. These things helped me greatly and will hopefully help you too.  We get stressed from the simplest things, and that should stop right now!… Read more

  • Bullying: what it is and it’s effects

    August 16, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer You never look good trying to make someone else look bad. Bullying in schools are being spread and it should be stopped in anyway. We should all shout out saying no to bullying. Remember what goes around comes back around. First, do you know what is a bully or bullying?. Simply bullying… Read more

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