No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world

Robin Williams

  • Comeback Part 2: Winter

    September 18, 2019 by

    By: Nourhan Ghanem Hi! It’s me again and this time I’m supposed to respond to Habiba’s article.  First of all I’d like to say that it was an honour to be debating with you. You have stated what people like about summer including your self and stated many interesting facts about it, and although I… Read more

  • JOIN US!!

    March 4, 2020 by

    HELLO PEOPLE!! Let me tell you something if you are thinking of joining our community. This will be hard work and will need lots of energy and time from you. You must understand that you will have to work and sustain your grades while doing this, we don’t want you failing!! SOOO, if you’re ready… Read more

  • Types of Toxic People

    October 30, 2019 by

    By: Omar Mostafa We met them , we’ve dealt with them , and now we are going to expose them !! Here are the 5 types of toxic people you will meet in your life : The Narcissist : A master of awesome first impressions and full of self-confidence , a narcissist is someone who… Read more

  • 5 Types of People you meet in Deros Sanaweya 3ama

    October 28, 2019 by

    By: Nourhan Ghanem Considering this is the last year with the old educational system, and there will no longer be the one year anxiety inducing, mental health destructing and stressful brain stuffing year that is sanawia 3ama, I thought I’d share my experiences ( Ba2ali shahren we 3amla feeha fahma we kedza ). So without… Read more

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    October 27, 2019 by

    By: Malak Negm 2 out of 8 people have the risk of developing cancer. So yes, I guess we all have witnessed at least one person who went through the cancer experience before, that’s why this article might be quite relatable to almost all of us.  It’s October, also breast cancer awareness month, its when… Read more

  • Ibrahim Al-Khouli’s Story

    October 23, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer People with special needs aren’t different from any normal person. They’re special and unique. They have a shortage of one aspect but their abilities outweigh the ordinary in many other aspects. This may be the example of Ibrahim Al-Khouli. Ibrahim Al Khouly is the first teaching assistant with Down-syndrome in Egypt. He… Read more

  • “Social media and online dating have created a lack of connectedness when dating” ~Jonathan Bennett.

    October 11, 2019 by

    By: Malak Negm Is it only me who thinks that Social Media governs partners’ trust? It’s no secret that relationships are forming over apps. We have become a paranoid, over protective, jealous, over thinking generation, determining who our partner is allowed to follow and which photos they’re allowed to like or even which they’re allowed… Read more

  • Books That Matter

    October 10, 2019 by

    By: Jumana Nounou A lot of people have asked me where my political opinions came from. The answer is that they’ve come after long hours of reading and researching. I’ve also witnessed a lot of things that shouldn’t be witnessed. And I’ve worked really hard to find the trustable resources and lastly I’m always up… Read more

  • The Joker : Too dark or too real ?

    October 8, 2019 by

    By : Omar Mostafa This week I went to the joker movie , and as expected it was really too crowded , a lot of people were expecting some suicide squad style movie ; some action , funny scenes and maybe batman showing up , but when the movie started playing , people were too… Read more

  • Money Heist – La Casa De Papel: A Review

    October 7, 2019 by

    Hola! Today’s article is a little bite different and interesting. It’s going to be about “MONEY HEIST” or “LA CASA DE PAPEL”. La casa de papel or money heist is a Spanish series which is created by Álex pina. The series is 3 seasons. La casa de papel is talking about a criminal mastermind who… Read more

  • The Darkest Side of Each Zodiac Sign

    September 27, 2019 by

    The most common reason why people find it difficult to believe in astrology is because they just read a simple description about a Leo or a Capricorn and then they’ll tell you that what they are reading can be applied to everyone, but the truth is that “Astrology” is so much more interesting! And this… Read more

  • Child Abuse

    September 25, 2019 by

    By: Jumana Nounou Last week a video was posted on the internet of a man holding a baby girl that was about a year old and he was slapping her. This guy was abusing that girl. He was forcing her to stand up on herself when she was a baby, she couldn’t do that physically.… Read more

  • Climate Change: What it is and How we are Involved

    September 23, 2019 by

    By: Habiba Tamer Everyone isn’t enjoying the weather lately and many people are asking why it’s so hot out there, even the ones at the north coast are asking why the hell are the waves so high. The answer is summed up in only a few words “climate change”. What is climate change simplified? Climate… Read more

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