Top 5 Things that can Reduce Stress

By: Youssef Tawfik

Hey Guys! All of us get stressed quite quickly these days, and that is way I am bringing you the top 5 things to do to relieve stress. These things helped me greatly and will hopefully help you too. 

We get stressed from the simplest things, and that should stop right now! So let’s start this list:

1 ) Always think of the positive side of anything

If any problem comes your way the first thing you must do is think of the positive side to it. Let’s say for example when you enter school you get bad grades in the first term. It will make you so mad, sad and stressed. You will be stressed that you won’t be able to go to a good university. Everyone will think your dumb. Your parents will be mad at you. All these negative thoughts can stress you even more, and you can start making it a big problem which it is not. So, just think of the positive side to it. That you still have two more terms to improve your grades, and say to yourself that you will work harder and get better grades eventually.

2 ) Listen to Music

This helps so much. Anytime you feel stressed just open your phone and listen to happy upbeat music. It is know that listening to calm music has a positive effect on the brain and body. Just check some albums on your music apps that contain positive music and listen to them. 

3 ) Talk about it with a family member or friend

When you get stressed, and you keep quite it really doesn’t help. If you keep shutting it off inside you it will grow even more. Don’t do that! Just go to someone you trust and who can help you, and start talking about why your stressed to them. It helps loads; trust me!

4 ) LAUGH!

Laughing always helps. When you come to approach any problem if you keep thinking of it, and think how it ruins your life you’re gone. As laughter releases something called endorphins that improve your mood and decreases stress hormones in your body. I suggest you watch some Mr Bean or some Mohamed Tarek videos on YouTube. They are sure to make you laugh.

5 ) Don’t stress eat instead drink some tea

Many people I am sure stress eat, and it is in your disadvantage. It will make you gain some kilos, and you won’t like that. Instead of stress eating you can drink some healthy good tea that reduces stress and anxiety. Here are some examples: 

  1. Green Tea
  2. Peppermint Tea
  3. Chamomile Tea
  4. Lemon Balm Tea

So, these are the top 5 things that can reduce and relieve stress. They will help you trust me. Just do these things anytime you get stressed. Finally, don’t make any small thing stress you out.


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