Get Your Summer Glow Up Before School Starts

By: Razan Hassouna

Days are getting longer and and as summer is coming to an end we all have to admit that whether we sat on the couch all summer eating chips or literally stayed in Sahel all summer most of us need to find a quick way to be the best possible version of ourselves before school starts. To start of, these minor hacks that unlock doors of high self-esteem please be reminded that you’re amazing and that these tips only make you even more amazing!

Number One:

The key to having a great drama-less life is being an unproblematic person. We all know the sometimes it feels good to get in on the tea and solve the drastic issues but in order to be a neutral person everyone goes to for help, you need to stick out of others’ problems or they’ll be yours. It’s important that you try to get on everyones good side with a bit of a bubbly attitude with a hint of sass. Try avoiding people you don’t like or could have potential beef with in a nice way and you’ll be on the road of success.

Number Two:

Are you tired of thinking that your weight doesn’t do anything but multiply? Gym isn’t working out (no pun intended 😉 and neither are diets? In order to have a stress free life you have to learn to love yourself and always pamper and treat yourself in a non-conceited way. Look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself that even if 99% of people in the world thought you were ugly, then roughly 70 million people think you’re drop dead gorgeous and that it’s impossible for 99% of the world to hate you! Remind yourself that weight and fat is a cover or blanket over a wonderful personality I’m sure so many people would kill for. So now you know that attitude is a about 75% of your Glo-up.

Number Three:

Try using and finding hacks to make your skin and body GLOW! If you head on over to Malak Negm’s article called 10 THINGS THAT YOU HAVE IN YOUR KITCHEN THAT WOULD HELP YOU HAVE HEALTHIER AND BETTER SKIN You’ll find many hacks to healthier skin using things you for sure have in your kitchen! Somethings that may help are: following a solid skincare routine, finding a face wash that suits your skin well and using it daily as well as using natural scrubs and facials. Even if your face doesn’t clear up fast, don’t get upset. I repeat, DO NOT GET UPSET. These are hormonal changes and are completely natural and should definitely not define you or control your mood, trust me, this is coming from someone who hasn’t had a clear face since the seventh grade and I’m in the tenth!

Number Four:

If you’re still concerned about your weight or health, instead of going to the gym in a lazy and annoyed mood find something fun to do that helps lose weight. Personally I find a very fun thing that burns calories fast is dancing! Putting on your favorite song and dancing it to it until you reach your limit on anghami is such a fun way to exercise without feeling torture. If you’ve got siblings maybe you can take out your bike and race them up and down a hill while making jokes, research conducted by me proves that it’s a fun way to spend time once you get in the habit of it while also helping you bond with siblings.

Number Five:

ALWAYS HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE! If you’re flunking classes or having issues with people then you should know that this is ordinary. You’re normal, love yourself and enjoy the rest of your summer!

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