Bullying: what it is and it’s effects

By: Habiba Tamer

You never look good trying to make someone else look bad. Bullying in schools are being spread and it should be stopped in anyway. We should all shout out saying no to bullying. Remember what goes around comes back around.

First, do you know what is a bully or bullying?. Simply bullying is seek to harm. There are 4 types of bullying.

Physical bullying. Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property.

Verbal bullying. Verbal bullying includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse.

Social bullying. Social bullying is always social media in general.

Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is actually through the internet and websites.

These types of bullying are harmful for all of us, not the one who is bullied or the one who bullies only.

So now here are some things we should do and shoutout for it to stop bullying in schools and everywhere:


1: Stand up for people who are bullied.

Never leave them alone and help them, stand up for them.

2: Take action.

Don’t stop and stare, do something, move and give them a hand and help.


3: Talk to other kids.

Talk to this kid who is always bullying his friends and let him know that what he is doing is nothing. His words and bullying won’t let him be strong or even a gentleman. Also he should be sure to taste his words before he spits them out.

4:Talk to teachers and guardians.

If you’re bullied, you should tell anyone to help you, your teachers or your guardians. They should know that you’re suffering from this and they will help you stop it.

Bullying affects us badly, it affects the one who is bullied and the one who bullied and here is how it affects the kid who is bullied and the kid who bullies.

(1) Kids who are bullied.

The kids who are bullied can experience:

1) Negative physical mental issues. The bullied kids face depression and anxiety.

2) They can experience increased feelings of sadness and loneliness.

3) Face changes in sleep and eating patterns and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy.

4) They experience health complaints and decreased academic achievement. They’re more likely to miss or drop out of school.

(2) Kids who bully others.


1) The kids will be abusive toward their children as adults.

2) They will get into fights, and vandalize property.

3) They will drop out of school and have criminal convictions.

In conclusion be true, kind, honest and helpful, don’t neglect your feelings and votes, shout and say no for bullying it must be stopped anyways so all the kids live safe.

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