
All the blogs posted are brought to you by the following people on this page!

Habiba Tamer


Hello! I’m Habiba Tamer. I’m 15 years old. I really do love writing some topics which gives positive energy and just let our soul peaceful and all what I hope that the whole society have a peaceful soul.

Razan Hassouna

Hey! My name is Razan Hassouna, I’m 14 and I’m really happy to be part of this wonderful team. I like writing and reading A LOT, I’m addicted to just chilling on Netflix, and every now and I ride my bike. I hope that one day I’ll be able to write books and get them published. As of now I like trying new things and I’m excited to start writing articles I hope you’ll like.

Jumana Nounou


Hi! I’m Jumana Nounou and I’m 17 years old. I enjoy reading in different fields. I’m not scared of having new experiences. I like knowing how far I can go

Hana Mahgoub

Who am I?

I’m a normal teenager just like any other. But my ambitions and dreams are what differ me from the norms.

My name is Hana Mahgoub. Here’s a couple of facts about me.

I’ve been playing tennis since I was four, so 12 years ago. Tennis might be the only sport that really stuck for me. I love it endlessly.

Writing, also speaks to me. Whenever I’m bored or out of things to do, I write. It doesn’t matter where I am, what time it is. I will write.

I’m also a MAJOR theatre geek. And someday I aspire to use my skills of writing and acting together in the future!

Yehia Ahmed


The name is Yehia Ahmed, and I’m 18 years old. Like all people my age, my achievements are a big zero that’s why I am part of this project. My hobbies are: as it is obvious writing and listening to music. I just finished high school and I am so excited to be part of this project.

Malak el-Mansy


Hello, I am Malak el-Mansy. I am in el-Rowad British School, and in the 11th grade. I am a wisher- wishing and fighting for a better community. I believe in Allah and I really believe that there are many people like me that have faith. I am overly concerned about books, dogs, music, art, good movies, and coffee. I discovered the love of writing and expressing my feelings lately and started on the 15th of July and I really found it advancing for me and for people. However, the effect on people big or not. But at least I’m trying. Through my writings, I am going to discover who Malak el-Mansy really is!

Nourhan Ghanem


Hi! I am Nourhan Ghanem, I’m a 16-year-old girl, I love conspiracy theories, fashion, reading, and art. And I’m constantly trying to escape the bitterness of life into the fictional world I have created in my mind. I aspire to be a designer as I grow older, accept my imperfect self and go through the adventure that is life.

Malak Negm


Hi!! So I really don’t have much to tell you about myself. I’m a normal teenage girl who’s so interested in politics and history and I have nothing to love more than socializing with different types of people. I’m Malak Negm and I’m so happy to be part of this project that hopefully will help me improve my writing skills and discover who I really am and what my passion is!

Omar Mostafa – Editor

I am a 22 yo pharmacy student and a metalhead , my passion for website editing and building online communities gave me the inspiration to join this project , I believe that we as youth can drive change and create impact for a better future.

Youssef Tawfik- Founder and Writer

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Hello there, I am Youssef Tawfik I am in my senior year in high school and I am 16 years old. I am Egyptian-Canadian, I love music, dancing, TRAVELLING, and love to hear and speak different languages. I want to change our society for the good, and make it a better one in the future. I love to help people and talk to them, I talk a lotttt! I want to stop bullying and harassment, and GIVE WOMEN THEIR RIGHTS. I love politics and news too. My dream is to change and influence our society through this project, and I hope you all like it. Santé!