HELLO PEOPLE!! Let me tell you something if you are thinking of joining our community. This will be hard work and will need lots of energy and time from you. You must understand that you will have to work and sustain your grades while doing this, we don’t want you failing!! SOOO, if you’re ready to join us and get to join a bubbly, friendly, loud, safe and controversial group then let’s get started and open this link:

5 Types of People you meet in Deros Sanaweya 3ama

By: Nourhan Ghanem

Considering this is the last year with the old educational system, and there will no longer be the one year anxiety inducing, mental health destructing and stressful brain stuffing year that is sanawia 3ama, I thought I’d share my experiences ( Ba2ali shahren we 3amla feeha fahma we kedza ). So without further or due let’s get into it . Here are the 5 types of people you meet in deros sanawia 3ama.

1- The Lost soul 

This person will spend the entire year playing the role of gamoosa fy ba7r el 3elm in the epic comedy that is sanawia 3ama, if you ask them why they chose adaby, 3lmi ryada or 3lmi 3loom they give you reasons like :


-asl ana msh ba3raf a7faz 

-me and calculus do not mix 

-asl adaby ashal 

You know an aimless arrow shot in a world of possibilities (I suck at metaphors honestly ) but you get the point. 

2- The beauty 

This, usually a girl, at the beggining of the year goes to every dars like she’s gonna win miss universe. Full face of makeup, neat clothes and looks like she siding just wake up and come here, but what starts as a beauty, ends as a beast, cause by March, we’re too deep in the curriculum and she’s out of fucks to give.

3- Fish out of water 

Lonleyyyyyy, I’m just so lonley, I have no bodyyy, for my ownnnnn. This type is the one who has to attend el droos, alone, no friends, no one to annoy, nothing. And I urge you, if you find someone alone reach out and befriend them because I’m one of those lonely loners fy Ba3d el droos and I have this un intentional fuck off face as a defense mechanism when I’m alone but don’t be repelled by this Cause FYI when you get to know me I’m a wild animal, more scared of you than you are of me. 

4- El Akeel 

This person is the type of person who you never see not doing one of three things 

Chewing, holding or buying food. They represent bank el ta3am el fate7 fel dars and probably remain that way in all life settings. 

5- The early bird 

Zahera 3agiba mawguda fy kol el droos we betotheer el dahsha fy kol el droos bel zat el droos el badri. These people seem to live in the center. Like el dars could be at 8 am and you go one hour early and they have invaded the front 6 rows, no matter how early you go, they’re just there, and we’re always like WTFFFF HOWWWW? Do they not sleep ? Do they spend the night there ? I guess we’ll never know. 

6 – The winter special (Bonus!)

This is a specific person, it’s all of us in winter just going to el droos with either a blanket, ugly grandma shall, laklook el bet and pjs, and not any pj, the fluffy winter pjs that have the most stupid, ridiculous writing/ drawing on them. But you know what it’s comfy and that’s what you should care about aside from the f5ad numbing 4 hour dars that will destroy your back. 

Thats all I got for you guys, I hope you liked this article and please just take 2 minuets of your day to pray for talabet sanawia 3ama en rabena yefr7 olobhom el sana Dy cause they’re really struggling, wether it’s the subjects, the stress or the constant pressure they put on themselves to make this all worth it, thank you guys for reading and I hope you have an amazing school year we rabena ma3ako.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By: Malak Negm

2 out of 8 people have the risk of developing cancer. So yes, I guess we all have witnessed at least one person who went through the cancer experience before, that’s why this article might be quite relatable to almost all of us. 

It’s October, also breast cancer awareness month, its when many people delve into their hearts and donate to hospitals that are in deep need.

After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in the world. And surprisingly, it can occur in both men and women, but it’s far more common in women.

For non biology lovers who don’t know what breast cancer is. Briefly, it occurs when some breast cells begin to grow abnormally. These cells divide more rapidly than healthy cells do and continue to accumulate uncontrollably, forming a mass in the breast. These cancerous cells may unfortunately spread (metastasize) from your breasts to body parts through blood vessels and lymph vessels. 

Now, you might wonder about your chances of developing cancer. It is usually not possible to know exactly why one person develops cancer and another doesn’t. But research has shown that certain risk factors may increase a person’s chances of developing cancer. Most common risk factors for cancer include: Aging, tobacco, sunexposure, radiation exposure, some viruses, family history of cancer, alcohol, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and being overweight.

There’s no doubt that chronic stress can have a big impact on your physical and emotional health. So, can stress cause cancer? The answer isn’t clear yet, but scientists do not deny that stress makes your body more hospitable to cancer. 

If you’re concerned about developing breast cancer, you might be wondering if there are steps you can take to help prevent breast cancer, and yes! We can reduce cancer risks. But unfortunately one risk factor can’t be changed which is family history, but good news! There are lifestyle changes you can make that can help lower such risks. For instance: limiting alcohol,
avoiding smoking, weight control, being physically active, avoiding exposure to radiation and environmental pollution and eating LOTS of veggies. And please, if your age ranges (45 to 55) then mammograms are recommended every year.

Perhaps the most recognized symptom of breast cancer is a lump or mass in the breast tissue. While many women go to the doctor after finding a lump, every woman should also be aware of other changes to the breast or nipple. As symptoms of breast tumors vary from person to person. And some common early warning signs of breast cancer include: Skin changes, such as swelling, redness, or other visible differences in one or both breasts, increase in size or change in shape of the breast(s), changes in the appearance of one or both nipples, nipple discharge or general pain on any part of the breast. So if you recognize any of these symptoms, then you should definitely see a professional doctor.

If you are lucky enough to not develop cancer (الحمدالله) others are not as lucky as you are, they need our hand, and the least we can do is share awareness. And trust me it’s quite simpler than you think! Knowledge is power, you can learn more about the disease and educate others and share information on social media, help people understand more about their health. You can even volunteer to help someone if you can! And if possible donate to those who are in need to get their treatment.

Imagine making a difference in the lives of those who are currently battling cancer! 

Ibrahim Al-Khouli’s Story

By: Habiba Tamer

People with special needs aren’t different from any normal person. They’re special and unique. They have a shortage of one aspect but their abilities outweigh the ordinary in many other aspects.

This may be the example of Ibrahim Al-Khouli. Ibrahim Al Khouly is the first teaching assistant with Down-syndrome in Egypt.

He studied mass communication at the university of Canada. He became a teaching assistant at the department of radio and television after the decision of his appointment this year from the university administration.

He already had practical experience with college summer students who have failed to attend the tests on some subjects.

Ibrahim Al-Khouli’s mother said that despite their attempts to convince Ibrahim of his inability to preform the duties of the post, he insisted that he wants to have this experience by himself without the fear others judging him.

He wasn’t only diligent in his studies but also he was an excellent tennis player. Ibrahim Al-Khouli won two silver medals in 2018 in Italy, in tennis.

He was selected to carry the Olympic torch during the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics World Cup in Tennis in November 2018 in the Dominican Republic with the participation of Egypt, representing the Middle East and North Africa.

Ibrahim Al-Khouli said that he taught lectures to about 40 students during the summer semesters in theatrical criticism at the Faculty of Mass Communication at the Canadian University. Dr. Ahmed Alaa along with the support of the college administration from the dean and the agents.

The appointment decision was officially adopted in early October, after Ibrahim El-Khouli proved his ability to take up the position during the summer months, which he considered the first step on his way to achieve the doctoral degree he seeks.

Ibrahim Al-Khouli is a real hero. He never thought that his illness will stop him, but what he thought and what he did was let his illness help him to become unique and stand out.

Ibrahim Al-Khouli is a masterpiece, a role model and an image of an unstoppable person that fights and works hard to achieve his goals putting all his problems and any thing that may stop him aside.

I truly appreciate and respect this achievement and we all should be supportive and stand beside him to achieve his goal and to achieve ours as well.

“Social media and online dating have created a lack of connectedness when dating” ~Jonathan Bennett.

By: Malak Negm

Is it only me who thinks that Social Media governs partners’ trust? It’s no secret that relationships are forming over apps. We have become a paranoid, over protective, jealous, over thinking generation, determining who our partner is allowed to follow and which photos they’re allowed to like or even which they’re allowed to post. Technology has significantly transformed the way we live and the way we behave.

Texts messages have become an accepted mode of communication. Today, texting is a way to keep a relationship. Nonetheless, some things are still taboo to do via text messages. One of them is breaking up.. The person who’s making the breakup simply goes with their impulse to take the easy way out, which is obviously breaking up over a text message. 

Seriously, why would you make someone feel so unappreciated and so unworthy by breaking up with him/her via text just because you’re such a coward to face them? No offense. It just implies that you are beyond caring about even entering a dialogue, or don’t think there’s anything to be gained or saved. It’s exceptionally hurtful.

It reflects that the person making the break up fears conformation, in addition to reflecting that they’re so fearful of emotions of the other person that they cannot face or manage them.

Please peope, do not do this to anyone. A text breakup is really unfair and disrespectful to the person being dumped, moreover karma finds it’s way no matter what dude.

I hold a belief that breaking up should be face-to-face. Both sides should have the opportunity to make matters clear before they make their parting ways, and be granted the dignity of a face-to-face goodbye.

How to get over it?

Give yourself time and permission to heal.
I understand how severe it is, but just try to keep in mind that someone who breaks up with you via text isn’t really worth your time or your heartbreak. And a simple “بلوق بلوق بلوق” is a must anyways.

“It’s so devastating to come to terms with speaking of someone in past tense when you used to see them as your present and future, but think about what he said. It will take a while for you to get those words out of your head” ~ Taylor Swift.

In conclusion, technology has changed almost everything in our life, except the heart. We still desire to be loved and shown respect. Therefore, do not use a text to break up unless it is the only way to do so safely. Otherwise, it is cowardly and disrespectful.

Books That Matter

By: Jumana Nounou

A lot of people have asked me where my political opinions came from. The answer is that they’ve come after long hours of reading and researching. I’ve also witnessed a lot of things that shouldn’t be witnessed. And I’ve worked really hard to find the trustable resources and lastly I’m always up to date with whatever’s happening.

And no I’m not here to talk about my political opinions. I will suggest some of the books that have helped me with finding my identity, and have helped with building my principles. I will also give you some advice on how to obtain the opinion that would fit you. Then you should use your mind to analyze then choose which side you’re on.

First, If you want to enter the world of politics, the best way to start is by reading 1984 by George Orwell. He’s one of the best writers ever. The best thing is that he teaches you an important lesson through a simple story. He simply discussed Totalitarianism and how one party political states might end. And unfortunately we all know how things are right now and how this novel represents alot these days. It also discusses types of dictatorships. This novel simply opens your eyes on alot of things and it removes the piece of cloth that has been wrapped around your eyes to stop you from seeing the ugly truth. If you want to be a great politician the you have to read George Orwell’s novels.

Secondly, you might not take me seriously when I tell you this next one but My struggle by Adolf Hitler is one of the books that you have to read. The main reason why you have to read it is because this man has affected us so much that no has. He was able to build and destroy one of the greatest countries. He almost won the war against The allies. And we can’t deny that he was a war genius. Me saying that he is a war genius does not mean that I’m saying that he is a good man. Him, alongside others were the reason why alot of people died. Also why it’s a must read is that because he managed to convince a whole country to do whatever he wanted them to do. He wrote a autobiography explaining how and why he did all these things. What he did, is one of the main reasons the world is how it is this day.

There’s this remark that should be added is that The western world, more specifically America, Britain and France have made a lot of movies and documentaries on how Hitler was the worst and how he murdered a lot of people when they are equally guilty. They have committed horrible war crimes. They just focused their media on him to focus all the wrong on him, because he wanted to make Germany as great as them. But if you look it up. The amount of people they’ve hurt and murdered these past few centuries have been 10x worse than what Hitler did

Another book that you have to read is  الصهيونية العالمية by Abbas Al Akkad. He is with no doubt one of the best writers and philosophers. Though this book was actually leaked from one of the many conferences that were held by the zionists. Ones where they make their plans. One of the people attending this conference was a drunk and some of of the information got leaked. A russian journalist was able to publish it after it being sold and among the years , Governments tried to ban it and stop it from being published die to the information it contains. Fortunately, Abbas AlAkkad was able to reach it, translate and then publishe it. He is one of the most trusted writers. He has written a lot of great masterpieces. 

There’s this book that is was written by Saad El din El Shazly. It’s called مذكرات حرب اكتوبر. This man was one of the main reasons that we won the 1973 war. He was a man of science. He exposed many saucy details about the generals and the system. He proved that if everyone stayed and worked where they belong, things would work out well.

The last book of today is called لماذا اعدموني. It was written by Sayed kotb. This man was executed by Gamal AbdelNasser. If you look for this mans books, you won’t find them in any bookstores because they have been banned so you will just have to download them online. I was not really supportive of all of his opinions but the way he stated things made sense and exposed whomever tried to ruin his picture. After reading this books. Alot will change. And things will start making sense.

Lastly, here are some advice that I hope you will find useful. First, in order to be fair in your opinion, you have to read and listen to all the points of views on a certain topic. You have to know why those people think that way and how will their actions benefit them. Secondly, Always look for the banned books and documents. Why? Because you have to know why someone might not want you to know a certain piece of information. If you hear the media talking badly about a public figure or someone who has been executed, Search this person and listen to whatever he has to say. You have to know the whole story behind him. Before watching a political documentary. Look up the producers. No one ever really does anything unless they’re going to gain something out of it. Do whatever it takes to see the whole picture. Finally, read your history. If we don’t learn from our past then how are we going to change your future

Money Heist – La Casa De Papel: A Review

Hola! Today’s article is a little bite different and interesting. It’s going to be about “MONEY HEIST” or “LA CASA DE PAPEL”.

La casa de papel or money heist is a Spanish series which is created by Álex pina. The series is 3 seasons.

La casa de papel is talking about a criminal mastermind who goes by “The Professor” has a plan to pull of the biggest heist in recorded history to print billions of euros in the Royal Mint of Spain. To help him carry out the ambitious plan, he recruits eight people with certain abilities and who have nothing to lose.

The group of thieves take hostages to aid their negotiations with the authorities, who strategize to come up with a way to capture The Professor. As more time elapses, the robbers prepare for a showdown with the police.

The main characters in the series:

  • Úrsula Corberó as Silene Oliveria ( Tokyo): the narrator, she was a runway robber until scouted by the Professor to participate in his plan.
  • Itziar Ituño as Raquel Murillo ( Lisbon): an inspector of the National Police Corps who is put in charge of the case until she joins the group in part 3
  • Álvaro Morte as Sergio Marquina ( The Professor/ Salvador Martín): the mastermind of the heist who assembled the group, and Berlin’s brother.
  • Paco Tous as Agustín Ramos dos Hermanas ( Moscow): a former miner turned criminal and Denver’s father.
  • Pedro Alonso as Andrés de Fonollosa (Berlin): a terminally ill jewel thief and the Professor’s second-in-command and brother.
  • Alba Flores as Ágata Jiménez ( Nairobi): an expert in forgery in charge of printing the money for the group.
  • Miguel Herrán as Aníbal Cortés (Rio): a young hacker and Tokyo’s boyfriend.
  • Jaime Lorente as Daniel/ Ricardo Ramos (Denver): Moscow’s son who joins him in the heist.
  • Esther Acebo as Mónica Gaztambide ( Stockholm): one of the hostages who is Arturo Román’s secretary and mistress, carrying his child. During the robbery, she falls in love with Denver and becomes an accomplice to the group.
  • Enrique Arce as Arturo Román: a hostage and the Director of the Royal Mint of Spain.
  • Darko Peric as Yashin Dasáyev (Helsinki): a veteran Serbian soldier and Oslo’s cousin.
  • María Pedraza as Alison Parker: a hostage and daughter of the British ambassador to Spain.
  • Hovik keuchkerian as Bogotá: an expert in metallurgy that joins the robbery of the Bank of Spain.
  • Rodrigo de la Serna as Martín: an old friend of Berlin’s who planned the robbery of the Bank of Spain with him and assumes his place as commanding officer.
  • Roberto Garcia Ruiz as Dimitri Mostovói (Oslo): a veteran Serbain soldier and Helsinki’s cousin.
  • Fernando Soto as Ángel Rubio: a deputy inspector and Raquel’s second-in-command.
  • Luka Peros as Marseille: a member of the gang that joins the robbery of the Bank of Spain.


The latest season of money heist saw Netflix’s best preforming first week for a non-English-language series.
Following the season’s launch on July 19, 34,355,956 Netflix household accounts streamed the show over its first seven days.
This impressive figure means that the show not only has become the best performing non-English-language series, but has broken records as the most-watched Netflix series or film of all time in many countries.

Those countries include creator Alex Pina’s native Spain, along with France, Italy, Argentina,Brazil, Chile and Portugal.

More than 70% of household accounts finished the entire series within the first week(actually that what I did, I finished the series in only one week).

Let the era of women’s sovereignty begin.( Nairobi)
The life of millionaires is boring.( Denver)
A women can spend two days choosing shoes for a wedding. But wouldn’t spend a minute arguing over masks for a robbery.(Tokyo)
La casa de papel or money heist is a pretty awesome series, you should really watch it, it’s worth the watch and it’s now streaming on Netflix. Enjoy!!.

The Darkest Side of Each Zodiac Sign

The most common reason why people find it difficult to believe in astrology is because they just read a simple description about a Leo or a Capricorn and then they’ll tell you that what they are reading can be applied to everyone, but the truth is that “Astrology” is so much more interesting! And this week I bring to you guys the darkest side of each zodiac sign, and I bet you’ll find them interesting even if you don’t believe in zodiac signs!

1) Capricorn “The self centered” 

If you’re looking for someone who’ll put you down and openly favor other people, who’ll sneer “Aw, poor baby,” when you share your feelings. Then you should definitely choose a Capricorn.

2) Aquarius “The unreasonable” 

Just because I’m an Aquarius myself, I’ll just try not be biased. Aquarius people believe they know whats right, in addition to being cold and beady-eyed when in the presence of humanoid emotion

3) Pisces “The most sensitive”.

The negative traits of a Pisces often come without warning, and can leave you confused. They will avoid confrontation by any means necessary. When something bad happens, they will blame it on something else, therefore they may be very pessimistic at times.

4) Aries “The rebel” 

Aries of both sexes are the fastest to anger, they may be aggressive at times, they hop mad about things that they unfortunately cannot change or control.

5) Taurus “The most stubborn”

Taurus dark sides are quite obvious because they don’t really care enough to hide their dark side. They can become an animal when someone tests their patience and they’re usually known for their outbursts.

6) Gemini “The psychopath” 

They can become erratic, unstable, and volatile. At their worst, they can have bipolar-like traits, which can lead others to think they might be suffering from a mental illness.

7) Cancer “The over reactor”

Like a pendulum, they can go from the highest of highs with a cheery disposition, to extreme lows with a constant need for validation. They can be extremely emotional at times.

8) Leo “The most demanding” 

Leos believe the world revolves around only them, and when they don’t get attention, praise and adulation from others, their self-esteem suffers. their darker side emerges, and they morph into a person no one wants to be around.

9) Virgo “The worrier”

Virgos often imagine and obsessively worry about the worst. A Virgo’s penchant for worrying obsessively about being perfect is the source of almost all of their darker traits.

10) Libra “The controlling” 

They are known to get angry if people don’t adhere to the things they say, in addition to using their charm to manipulate the situation to get their way.

11) Scorpio “The wicked” 

Scorpios are suspicious by nature. Scorpio is extreme in the sense that he/she won’t forgive you for breaking their trust. A Scorpio doesn’t lie to you, all what they do is hide, It’s wickedness.

12) Sagittarius ” The Argumentative” 

A Sagittarius is touchy when it comes to criticism, making it hard for people around them to deal with them. They react fiercely if their actions are judged to be wrong. They’re also very physical and can put a lot of vitality into the argument.

A reminder: We are all beautiful just the way we are, even with our darkest side!!

Child Abuse

By: Jumana Nounou

Last week a video was posted on the internet of a man holding a baby girl that was about a year old and he was slapping her. This guy was abusing that girl. He was forcing her to stand up on herself when she was a baby, she couldn’t do that physically. And ever since, I’ve been wondering what kind of human being does that to a child. She has never done anything in her life, she’s literally a baby. She was being abused right in front of our eyes and I couldn’t do anything. And if you think that whatever happened is normal or that it’s not that bad or I’m overreacting then you’re just as worse and maybe one day you will turn out to be just like the man who was abusing his child. They did nothing, literally nothing, and even if they ever did something, they are your children. You should protect them from the bad things in this world not be the bad thing in their world. To be honest this video really got to me and I thought there must be something that I could do even if it was something so small.

Something that you should all know is that you should not have kids unless you and your life partner are both mentally and financially ready. You can’t just bring a child in this world and torture him/her throughout their life. Children can be depressed and yes depression is a disease it’s not something that you should make fun of. From the main reasons that children might suffer from depression is because they are abused. Do NOT abuse your children. Neither verbally nor physically. They are just innocent little creatures they can’t be treated violently. Terrorizing your children to reach a certain goal will never work out, you will never reach whatever you want if you treat them in that horrible way. When children are raised or treated violently, there are only two products. Either rebel or become scared of every single thing around them. Both will not make you reach this goal. It’s a lose lose situation. If you treat them badly then you will not reach whatever you want and they will not be normal human beings they will be violent they will be rebellious and they will not do anyone any good use so basically treating your children good is a win-win situation for you and for them.

You MUST teach them respect. Threatening them in violent ways will not do you any good and if you ever want them to be good you could just convince them with that. Explain why they have to do certain things for their own good. When you do convince them with whatever you want them to do they will do it even better than them being forced into it.

Your children are not a second chance you were given to make your dreams come true. They are free humans, they are not dolls. And stop trying to control everything single thing in their lives.

Maintaining a good relationship with your children will make them actually love you. The way you raise your children is always reflected on their behaviors. If you raise them with love then it will be reflected on them and vise versa.

This whole thing that we are always told that we have to say yes with our eyes closed when our parents tell us to do anything is just plain bullshit. We are not robots. Parents need to realize that their kids are not robots. They will not just do whatever you say. If you want your kid to do something you just have to explain it. It will not take time and you will actually have a good product. And don’t forget to teach your children that it’s OK to make mistakes as long as that you’re going to learn from them in the future. If you’re facing a problem and you don’t know how to react, seek help. And no it is not something to be ashamed of.

Apologizing to your children when you do something wrong is not wrong. It teaches them that anyone can make mistakes including adults. Do NOT make your children pay for your mistakes. Do NOT blame them because you made one bad decision. You just couldn’t keep it in your pants.

Please do not have children if you’re not ready to have one.