
About “The New Generartion”

We’re here to change the world!

The New Generation is an area dedicated for teenagers. Being a teenager might sometimes be very hard, and is one of the hardest phases we go through in our lives. It’s the phase where it feels awkward, and new. You feel a constant change. You get mood swings all the time. You feel helpless and stupid most of the times. But we are here to give you strength, hope, and better tmw. Here we are family, this is where we and all teenagers belong; among the people that does not judge others and who doesn’t believe in stereotypes. This area is free from sexism, racism, homophobia, harassment, and many other stuff. We strive to create a generation of teenagers who are given resources to help them strive and have fun in life. We’re here for you, forever and always, to make you de-stress, thrive, create, flourish, and become the best generation there is!

It’s about time we make this world a better place and fill our new generation with knowledge, experience, and inspiration. Let all of us bond as a generation, by stowing away our economic, social, and political views and let’s realize that we’re all the same, we are all human!

Need someone to listen to or help you?

E-Mail us on:


and any of our writers will help you– it’s the least we can do!