The Joker : Too dark or too real ?

By : Omar Mostafa
This week I went to the joker movie , and as expected it was really too crowded , a lot of people were expecting some suicide squad style movie ; some action , funny scenes and maybe batman showing up , but when the movie started playing , people were too shocked that many of them left before the ending , but why ??
To know why we should talk about the nature of the story we’re dealing with ; the movie starts with Arthur , a young low-class man living alone with his mother , Arthur suffers from several mental health issues and financial problems , however he tries to go through it , by trying to work as a comedian and trying to make others smile, however Arthur faces hate and discrimination by everyone in the society .

As Arthur faces more and more trouble dealing with his mental state and his inability to feel his own existence , he tries to defend himself from a society that doesn’t give him a chance and we see the character progresses into what we now call the joker ; a psychopath who uses violence and murders with cold blood , taking revenge from all those who did him wrong , because it made him for once feel alive..

The movie shows how we live in an emotionless world where even your therapist doesn’t care about your mental state , where the poor are ignored and left behind , and where people are just abused because they are different , the fact is that the story is too far from fiction and so close to the truth , which is one of the main reasons why so many people couldn’t handle it.
We see how the villains we call evil , how the criminals we hope to kill , can just be the product of a mindless , senseless society , that doesn’t care about others suffering and agony , it explains the dark turn that can take someone into total madness .

The movie points out how so many people can relate to the jokers misery and suffering that they end up supporting him and declaring him their hero , to give a hint about the chaos that can arise from the feeling of inequality and helplessness.

The truth is that the joker movie isn’t that violent or disturbing . it’s a beautifully written story performed in a great way and it’s a must watch if you’re into batman movies , the only thing about it , is that it represents a dark reality we live in , and the question is :

Can you handle the truth ? or will you leave before the movie ends ?!


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