Comeback Part 2: Against Feminism

By: Yehia Kamal

So I am the one who lost. Ok, l will admit it Malak, but I forgot to stress about how I am not against feminism in general; my issue is concerning the way Egyptian women view men. What needs to be clarified is that feminism is not the hate of men, but the demand for equality. Undoubtedly this issue is controversial, and what is agreed on both sides is the real meaning of feminism. My apologies to those who got offended. It was just a misunderstanding the whole point is how the meaning of feminism is being misinterpreted.

في النهاية انا كلامي كان واضح جدا ، معرفش ليه في ناس خادوه على صدرهم اوي و لعلمكوا انا مقلتش حاجة الا و حصلت معايا في فكرة اني بألف و بظلم حد ديه له .

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