Expecting Things from Others and Rejection

By: Youssef Tawfik

Hello Guys! I am here today to tell you something. Do not expect anything from anyone. If you ever expect anything from anyone then good luck. You’ll get sad, mad and disappointed when what you expected did not happen.

People are selfish, everyone is. Even if anyone tells you “No, no I’m not selfish” they are lying. Everyone only thinks of themselves, and what will benefit them. When someone you didn’t expect anything from does something good towards you. They are doing so to benefit themselves.

So, the bottom line is DO NOT expect anything from anyone. If you really want something then go do it. Don’t wait for people to do anything for you or with you. Find happiness in doing things without expecting anything from anyone. Because when you do, and reach a state where you expect nothing from no one. You will reach full happiness.

You know that feeling you felt when you expected a birthday wish from someone and you didn’t get it. Also, that feeling you felt when you expected a gift from someone, or comment from someone, or anything from someone and it didn’t happen.

Well… now you believe me. That you shouldn’t expect anything from anyone. Start loving yourself, and doing everything for yourself. Do what makes you happy, even if everyone doesn’t like it. Because everyone is selfish. Yes some people might give and be very generous and kind. But they also have some selfishness in some aspects in life.

Rejection… OH GOD! Everyone hates it. It does suck, doesn’t it?! You should learn to accept rejection. Get used to it. Don’t let it bring you down every time. When anyone rejects you, not just a girl or guy you like. But when you go to an audition for a movie/show and they reject you, or when a university rejects you to join them. Start getting used to it, and start believing that that’s what’s best for you. God knows what’s best for you. So, when something you really wanted to happen did not happen, and then you get rejected from it. Then be happy, because it wasn’t going to be good for you in the first place. Always believe there is better, and a good reason to why you got rejected.

Maybe that girl/guy is toxic or won’t be good for you. Maybe that movie you were going to enter was going to challenge your ethical standards. Maybe that university you were going to enter was too far, and would create problems for you. So, just think of the positive always. When you do you will be HAPPY!

I hope you do listen to what I said, and start implementing it. Because in the end it’s for your own good. CIAO NOW!

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