Embracing Yourself: The Guide

By: Omar Sayed

You may ask yourself “why am I so alone and unloved ”. But unfortunately you never get persuasive answers to your question so you start looking for solutions like imitating your popular friends and colleagues in everything, seeking popularity and affection in your school, work, club or whatever the place you go to on a regular basis is.

You really want to have the feeling that you made new friends that care about you aren’t you? Hang out with them, take pictures and upload them on Instagram. Of course it’s important, but when you make these so trivial things your only aim in life, guess what? You will fail in everything.

Some individuals try to change themselves completely, their outlook on life, their way of dealing with people, but only to impress others and gain their satisfaction. So they can gain attention from other people by calling and hanging out with them day-to-day, being tagged in memes (like come on, who in the world does not get so excited when tagged in a meme?) and mentioned in comments on Facebook and social media.

They may try to change their shape, gain weight or lose weight, go to a gym or whatever; not caring for their health but caring about people’s impression upon them, they may change their body language, way of talking, their voice tones and many of their principles. And for what’s sake? ONLY seeking people’s satisfaction.

Maybe their lives would change in a better way and become more interesting, but the unfortunate fact is they will (sooner or later) feel miserable when they realize that people around them weren’t worth enough for these changes and that they never appreciated their sacrifices!

People around us aren’t villains and aren’t aiming on hurting us intentionally but maybe they won’t realize our achievements, sacrifices, or the complete variation we undergo to dazzle them. Even if our lives turned up to be better, we’ll still feel alone, you wanna know why? Simply because we did much effort without even being recognized by people we have strong affection for.

To be fortunate enough to have success in your life and feel appreciated for others, you must change for your OWN sake not for others, realize your flaws, change them for your own benefits not to impress others. Nothing on earth will impress them and if there is, it’s definitely temporary.

Love yourself as you are, neither take positivity from others nor absorb self confidence from them, have your own confidence, wear what you desire, dance, go out, sing, travel without thinking about the society’s judgements, cause society would never stop judging others, and when you radiate confidence, people will never realize your flaws and will appreciate you for being YOU not for trying to impress them.

Set new aims and goals for yourself, work hard, search for new interests, hobbies, develop them, discover yourself and exploit your leisure time. This will prevent you from any negative thoughts and who knows? Maybe you’ll find friends, colleagues and soulmates without exerting much worthless effort, getting through toxic relationships, or stressing yourself. Trust me, you will find it without all of this, maybe unintentionally.

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