Interesting Conspiracy Theories about the TV SHOW ‘Friends’

By: Malak Negm

I probably would prefer watching conspiracy theory videos over anything, it’s more of an obsession I think?

This week I bring to you guys the wildest conspiracy theories about the show “F.R.I.E.N.D.S” that I’ve ever read. They’re super interesting trust me!

1. The characters are in a mental ward

The characters on Friends all have various moments where they act a little insane, but could it go beyond that? What if the six characters are actually living in a mental asylum and suffering from a shared psychosis? Due to their mental disorders triggered by the issues in their lives, they indulge in fantasies together to distract themselves from reality. This theory says that they are all patients in a psychiatric ward, where Rachel has issues with her father, Phoebe is shocked by her mother’s suicide and could not get over it, Ross has abandonment issues, Chandler is scarred by his parents relationship, Joey could have cracked under the pressure of the acting world and he’s desperate for attention and Monica was bullied for being overweight. Seriously, isn’t it weird that they spent most of their time in only two places? Either the coffee shop or somebody’s apartment? What if the two places represent both their respective rooms and the cafeteria?

2. The reason why Gunther always reserve the Central Perk table for Rachel’s friends

This theory tries to find an explanation for the gang’s permanent occupation of Central Perk’s best seats. The theory says that Gunther reserved it for them the whole time only to win Rachel’s heart and affections, and this pretty much explains why the group never had to fight for seating space which is pretty suspicious. But we’re not all surprised right? We all noticed how Gunther always had this creepy obsession with Rachel. He is always seen trying to think of a way to ask her out and would get jealous when other men talked to her first.

3. Friends is being retold from the future

The series always showed flashbacks, but could the entire show be one big flashback? The person who came up with the theory believes that this is why the episode titles always start with “The One Where/With/..”. Ross, for example, could be telling a story and start it by “do you remember the one where…?” Quite interesting, isn’t it?

4. The entire show is in Rachel’s head

If you looked closely at the cover of Season 4. You’ll find Ross, Phoebe, Monica, Chandler, and Joey all have their eyes shut (asleep), but Rachel (resting right in the middle) is wide awake and looking directly at the camera. Why is she the only one with her eyes open? One theory suggests that the show was all a figment of Rachel’s imagination. Could she be the one in control of everything?

5. Ross lost custody of his son Ben because he was a terrible father

Ross’s son Ben (played by Cole Sprouse) appears in the very first season of Friends. He was a big part of the character’s storyline, until he gradually disappears and seriously, we shouldn’t be surprised that his son disappears after season 8, never to be seen again, even after Ross and Rachel have a baby together. Ben never meets his half sister Emma (super weird). It’s suggested that Carol his ex-wife just couldn’t bear having him around any more, maybe she got fed up with all of Ross’s craziness and took away his parenting rights and cut Ross out of their lives. What if Ross lost his son due to his increasingly disturbing behavior?

I personally did not make these conspiracy theories up, they are all told by fans, and if you guys are interested in conspiracy theory videos as I am, Shane Dawson and Kendall Rae are two Youtubers that make conspiracy theory videos that are a must watch! 

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