Sleeping Tips & How to get Rid of Insomnia 

By: Nourhan Ghanem

For all my fellow raccoons out there who are struggling to get a good nights sleep. Here are a few tips to get a good nights sleep and get rid of insomnia. Without further to due, let’s get started. 

1- Say no to Caffeine and Stimulants 

I’m talking to the caffeine addicts that have 3 cups of coffee by 12 o’clock and then wonder why they aren’t getting a good nights rest , well I have a question for you , how are you still alive ? Stimulants like caffeine and nicotine can have dangerous side effects if taken in big amounts , like increased heart rate , anxiety, increased cholesterol , nausea , vomiting and INSOMNIA ! Yeah , a shocker isn’t it . It doesn’t only prevent you from sleeping but it can wake you multiple times if you do manage to get a little shut-eye .

2- Do NOT eat before bed 

Eating wether it’s dinner or just a snack activates your digestive system and keeps you up and it doesn’t end there , if your like me and suffer from acid reflux or heartburn , eating before bed will just make your symptoms intensified . You’ll wake up like a pregnant woman in her 6th week, that just the smell of food can make you nauseated. 

3- Limit activities in bed 

Let’s be clear , your bed is for you to sleep in , not for studying , checking your phone, eating , watching tv , etc… .Matesta8loosh Karam el serir , kfaya eno beytake in our ugly cry face on our bad days and it lifts the thinking brains of the future that hold so many innovational questions to better our future like is it sol7efa or so7lefa , yes indeed , very  innovational . But you know you could wonder wether zebras have black stripes or white stripes elsewhere along with all your other life changing thoughts .. Spare your beds  . #معا_لحقوق_الأسِرَّة

4- Exercise

As much as I hate to admit it but exercise helps with everything * sigh *  . It’s a good way to help get rid of stress and anxiety , which can ruin a lot of things including interviews , exams , good times with your friends and your sleep , yeah that too . 

5- Make your sleep environment comfortable 

Your bedroom environment should be comfortable enough to sleep in so get rid of anything in your room that might disturb you like children . Your bedroom should also be free from any light . Consider trying black out curtains , eye shades , ear plugs , “ white noise” machines and other fancy shmancy sleep stuff .

You also might want to lock the door to keep your mamas out , to avoid waking up in a pool of your sweat Because SOMEONE decided to turn off the AC for no good reason , your room temperature should be between 60 & 67 degrees to be good enough to make your pillow cold when you flip it . 

6- Avoid naps 

You know power naps may get you through the day but they will make you the owl of the night , if you’re finding trouble sleeping at night maybe it’s the regular catnaps you take in the morning that make you stay up looking like a panda bear all night. 

7- Still have trouble sleeping ? 

GO VISIT A FREAKING DOCTOR . I know most of you probably hate going to doctors , but a lack of sleep is so bad for you in many ways , queue the list of side effects , it may ruin your already damaged memory so you find yourself going to the kitchen more often and asking yourself what was I doing here again ? 

It can weaken your immunity therefore your body will have troubles fighting off invaders and it’ll take an extra long time to get better if you’re ill . It increases your risk of diabetes and can also lead to high blood pressure along with the risk of disease . So maybe this ONE trip to the doctor will save you hundreds of trips in the near future . 

So stay safe , sleep well , don’t self prescribe sleeping pills to your self and definitely do not forget to follow thenewgeneration2020 on instagram . Ciao ! 

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